The heroic port of San Blas was a key element during the war that gave independence to our country, being the Contaduría Mountain a scene of major battles. One more reason to yell out loud: Viva Mexico! and Viva San Blas!
The former province of New Galicia, corresponds to the current states of Jalisco and Nayarit, where San Blas, with its strategic location as a gateway to California, North Western Mexico and Asian colonies, was a land of great disputes between royalists and separatists.
One of the best known and respected heroes in this beautiful port, was the rebel priest Jose Maria Mercado, who was originally from the city of Guadalajara and served as parish priest of Ahualulco. When the insurgent movement broke out after the Grito de Dolores in 1810, Mercado quickly took action to free the neighboring villages from Spanish yoke.
Bravely, he managed to gather as many men as possible to advance westward from Ahualulco, taking over the towns of Etzatlán and Tepic along his path, where he had important victories. However, the main objective was to take control of the port of San Blas and its large combat arsenal.

Photo via Sean Hoyer on Flickr.
Since the Contaduría was a military fort, José María Mercado was installed in this place to direct the battle strategies, being named “Commander in chief of the divisions in the region” by the celebrated priest Miguel Hidalgo.
The so-called “Father of the Nation” had great confidence in Mercado, so when Hidalgo was defeated in Puente de Calderon, he called on Mercado’s support to reinforce the pro-independence forces, to which he agreed. Nonetheless, in his absence, the royalist priest of San Blas Nicolas Santos Verdin, prepared an ambush in the same Fort San Basil.
Upon returning to this port, Mercado was cornered by the Marine crew and former royalist guards, so he chose to jump into the void rather than being shot by the enemies of National Independence.
Currently, the Contaduría is an emblem of courage and Mexican pride. Don’t miss the chance of visiting this place during September national holidays! Upload your photos and comments on our social networks using the hashtags: #AllToBeDiscovered, #MeGustaSanBlas and #LikeSanBlas.